Wednesday, February 4, 2009

He's Quite The Kicker!

Well, I sure can feel this baby kicking! He's been kicking for a couple of weeks now and it is crazy!

It is such a strange and exciting experience! Every night, without fail at around nine, I feel those kicks. I think it freaked Brian out the first time he felt it. I told him, "how do you think it feels when it's inside you?" But I think he really likes it now. I can tell he is so excited to be a dad. I know he will make a great one. 


Kaija said...

Finally a new post! So awesome he is kicking! Maybe he will be on a professional "kick ball" team...i say that in quotation marks cause we both know its called kick soccer! I can't wait to feel him move! Oh and thanks for helping me out so much with my hairstyles :)

Fausett Family said...

That is so great!!! :) How exciting! So where are you two? In the Terrace?

miquelle and cody said...

That is by far my most favorite part of pregnancy; feeling the baby move!

Tyson said...

He's gonna be a socca playa! I've been thinking about you two - well, three - a lot lately! Good to hear that things are going so well. Definitely a freaky experience the first time you feel it (speaking as a dad, not a mom).