Monday, December 1, 2008

Well, I guess I should announce it to the world! I am pregnant! I am due June 21! Brian and I are so excited. It has been hard- I have had morning sickness, but it has been getting better! 


Anonymous said...

whahooooo!! congratulations! hope you start feeling better. what great news!!

Amy and Kody said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Megan that is sooo awesome! You will be an awesome mom! Isn't morning sickness fun!

Kaija said...

Finally I am allowed to open my mouth! Do you understand how hard that's been for me! Love you and am so excited to be Aunt Kaija

Anonymous said...

Meggers - I am so happy for you! One of my best friends is due the 20th! Gosh, this is so exciting! Love you lots!
Love Nat

michelle grange said...

How EXCITING!!! Congrats Meg! I'm so happy for you guys. Morning sickness is the worst, but it doesn't last forever so hang in there. You are going to make the cutest little mommy! :)

Nat said...

Yeah! How exciting! I hope you get over the morning sickness soon.

miquelle and cody said...

I am so excited for you! Morning sickness stinks, but totally worth it in the end!

Jacki said...

Yea! We are so excited to have another addition in the fam. Congrats!

Haily Brian said...

CONGRATULATIONS Megan and Brian. That is so exciting!!! Are you going to find out if the baby is a boy or girl? So far we are big fans of girls.

Kristin said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you two!!!

JaNae said...

Yeah! Congratulations! Being a mommy is the greatest! I am so happy for you. Good luck with the pregnancy!

Jen said...

Wow! That is so exciting. Life will never be the same again but being parents is so fun! Good luck with your pregnancy!

Pearson Family said...

I can't belive I am not just reading this on your blog. so excited for you. this baby is goign to be so gorgeous.

Nick and Val said...

Yipee. We are excited for you guys.