Monday, November 17, 2008

Draper Temple

I figure I should post something new... so here we go.

Last week Brian and I were visiting my parents in Sandy and decided to check out the Draper Temple. It was so pretty! I really want to go to the Open House. I wish I could just explore inside! 
Here are a few pics. 


Kaija said...

HOORAY FOR A NEW POST!! What a beautiful temple! When is the open house? Or did they already have it? Isn't it amazing the have 2 new temples in that area? In our day, it was just the good ole Jordan River! Pres Hinckley would be so proud!

sexychoco said...

Wow, that's beautiful! Nice pics Meg!

Angela said...

Isn't it pretty? I love how it's tucked in the mountains - most people don't realize it's there until it's dark out and they happen to glance that way. I can't wait to do a session there.

Nat said...

That is so pretty. I can't wait to see it when we come home for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

You parents stake is in charge of getting together over 400volunteers for when the temple opens to help out with things. I am going to come and help out. I bet you could come as well! That would be such a neat experience! Let me know! It would be in January!
Cousin Nat

Kaija said...

Hey! How was Thanksgiving? Maybe you should post about it.... :)

Love AK