Lately I have been a little down on myself. I feel like I don't really have all that many talents and skills- other than being an excellent driver :). And I've always wanted to become a domestic diva- that woman who does it all- sews, cooks, cleans, makes her home a haven for her fabulous family all while being a total babe. I think we all know someone like that. And I got to thinking, she didn't get to be that way over night. She had to start somewhere, right? And if she could do it, I can do it! Thus begins my journey on becoming a domestic diva!
Stay tuned for posts on my adventures in discovering my inner potential and talents! I am going to try new things and find my niche!
Wish me luck!
I know exactly how you feel. The only talent I can come up with for myself is "yelling". We go to Maya's basketball game and Korey tells me I should have been a cheerleader. (now that's funny) :)
good luck on finding your inner domestic-ness. It won't be too hard to find:) You're pretty much there! Who fixed my white slipper. Who sewed my skirt. Who makes me dinner when I visit. On my scale you are there! I want to learn to sew...I have all kinds of projects for us to make!
Harrison sure makes a cute little frog!
I don't know much about finding the inner domestic ability, but I can sure give you tips on how to shirk the domestic responsibilities! Laundry = ugh!
You are so cute Megan! I have been feeling the same way lately. It just took me six months to get the hang of things and now I have started doing crazy things like baking large quanities of random things. Good luck finding your domestic diva! I am looking forward to reading your blogs!!
I love your honesty! I can honestly say, I have felt that way about you, just seeing what you have accomplished. You are amazing and I can't wait to see what wonderful things you create. (Hopefully it will motivate me to do a lot better!)
as wives and stay-at-home moms i think most of us aspire to this. i love that you shared and it's not just me on that "i need to be better at everything" internal battle!
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