Well, I have to have my gallbladder taken out!
The last week I have had these severe attacks of pain in my chest and back. The pain is so awful that I can't do anything. Brian took me to the instacare and I had an ultrasound. The diagnosis: gallstones. I guess that it is really common to develop gallstones during pregnancy. We women sure go through a lot to bring these little babies into the world. So in about 2 weeks, I have to have surgery. I am a little nervous, but glad to know that after it is out I won't have the pain. In the meantime, I am so afraid of having another attack. They say that eating fatty foods triggers the attacks, so I am trying to eat really low fat foods. Knowing I can't have certain foods makes me want them even more! I want ice cream, steak and french fries!
The surgery is pretty simple. It is an outpatient procedure and I will be home in a few hours. It makes me happy to know that I am not going to have to stay overnight.
So that is today's update. Wish it was about something else!
ah, yes. we know all about pregnancy leading to gallbladder removal! My sisters was so bad they had to remove hers one week after she gave birth. she did really well with recovery. Hope all goes well.
I think the gall bladder pains were worse the child birth. I had mine taken out about 2 week after i was diagnosed...I don't think I have ever eaten better! It is such a quick and easy surgery and so common...so don't worry. the sorse part is the air bubles you may have in your soldier due ot the gas they put in your stomach. Oh and sitting up the next day. YOu will have like 3 tiny scars is all. Good luck....
Stinkin' sucks! when you get home and all better we ARE going out to the Texas Roadhouse for a good steak and rolls! :)
That is so crazy! My friend who just had a baby recently is also getting hers removed in two weeks. You'd think pregnant and new moms would get a break! Good luck!
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