Sunday, May 31, 2009


So I am now 37 weeks along in this pregnancy! Yay! It feels good to know that I am so close to meeting this little guy! It's a little scary- everything is going to be so new, but I know that it will be amazing!
Speaking of amazing.... yesterday I had a prenatal massage. It was absolute heaven! If you are pregnant, or when you become pregnant, you must get one! It was the best feeling to lay on my stomach and have all the pressure relieved. I wish I could have one everyday!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Feeling Huge

I had another doctor's appointment today. I get to go every two weeks now. Baby's estimated weight- 5 pounds 11 ounces! Huge! I think that has to be an underestimate because I feel huge, I look huge and I am just plain HUGE! Sleep is impossible and my feet retain so much water! I can't wait to meet this little boy! 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Setting Up The Nursery

We have begun to get baby's room ready! I am so excited. Today Brian put the crib together, with a little help from me. We haven't got all the bedding on yet. I won't get that until one of my baby showers. But it is still pretty exciting. Tomorrow we are getting the dresser! Then I can put all of baby's clothes away. And boy does he have a ton of clothes! My sister in law, Jacki, gave us all sorts of hand-me-downs! Our boy is going to have a new outfit for every day of the year! 

I will post some pictures when I have the room more put together. 

I am getting so excited for baby to come. I can't believe how close it is getting. Only about 7 more weeks!