Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bryce Canyon Adventure

This past weekend was the annual Rogers family trip. This year we ventured down to southern Utah to experience some outdoor fun. We rented a beautiful cabin in a small town called Duck Creek Village about 40 miles away from Bryce Canyon National Park. There was a lot of fun things to do....
Our first day we ventured into Bryce Canyon. Our first hike was the Navajo Loop Trail. It was amazing. You begin on the canyon rim and descend 550 feet down to the bottom surrounded by rock walls. It is a total of about 1.3 miles. I was ambitious enough to tackle this baby at 33 weeks pregnant! I was pretty impressed with myself. I started to get pretty tired on the way up. There are a lot of switchbacks, but I did it!
Our next hike was a pretty easy one. It was the Mossy Cave trail. It led up to a small little waterfall that all the kids loved. My brother-in-law even decided to bathe in it.

Breathtaking Bryce Canyon

Hiking down Wall Street in Navajo Loop

Douglas Fir reaching to the sun

Tree huggers

33 weeks pregnant and hiking

Throwing rocks on the Mossy Cave trail

Beautiful Hoodoos
 On our second day we all took it pretty easy. Unfortunately, some people came down with a stomach bug and were down for a little while. The lucky ones who were feeling good went to a lava shoot cave nearby and climbed around. It was called Mammoth Cave. It was really neat. You climb down into a hole in the ground and just explore these caves that lava flow carved out thousands of years ago.  We had to go in with headlamps. At one point we all turned off our lights. You couldn't even see your hand in front of you. Harrison was hoping to see some bats, luckily we didn't. I am not a huge fan.
That night we went back into Bryce Canyon for the Night Sky program. The rangers set up high powered telescopes in the parking lot. Bryce Canyon is the ultimate place to look at stars and planets. We were able to see Saturn, it's moons and the nearest star, Vega. It was really cool. Harrison loved it.
The entrance to a lava shoot near Duck Creek Village 
Inside the lava cave. 

 The next day we took a cool hike to Cascade Falls, a waterfall that comes out of a rock. The hike had some amazing views. Beautiful trees, red hoodoos and perhaps the most unique was the polygamist family who had their children riding on ponies. It made me nervous because there were some pretty narrow parts with a big drop off on the side. It was a really neat hike. By the end, I think I had used up all of my energy for the trip. I was so tired.
Stunning hike to Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls- unique waterfall that comes out of the rock

30 and 30

*late post...only about a month 
Well, it happened. I have officially kissed my twenties goodbye and entered my thirties! When did I grow up? Sometime over the last 10 years, I went from single girl to wife and mother. My thirties don't scare me too much. I think they are going to be some amazing years with lots of good things in store.
My birthday was pretty low key. I didn't want anything too grand. My mom took me to get a pedicure and then we went out for dinner. My sweet husband took me out to dinner and a movie. Then surprised me with a slice of birthday pie. It was a good birthday.
In addition to turning 30, I hit 30 weeks in my pregnancy. I can't believe how fast time is flying. Only a couple more months until our family grows by one. It makes me realize that I need to get things ready. Time to get the baby things out of storage.

Harrison picking out my birthday pie


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Motherhood- the best job!

Being a mom is one of the most trying and rewarding things ever. There are those days that you think you've messed up so much that your child will need therapy for the rest of his life. You wonder if what you're doing is really worth while. Then there are those wonderful days you get to spend together when everything just goes perfect. Fun in the sun, no tantrums. But most days are somewhere in between. You deal with tantrums, but there are those moments that just make it all worth while. I heard this quote and it summed it up perfectly. 
So thankful to be my little guy's mom. He brings me so much joy. He lights up my life. Here are a few of his new "things"-
  • Bringing me flowers he picks. Most of them are dandelions, but I love them just as much as a rose. 
  • He is always telling me he loves me. "Mom, I huv you." I get to hear those sweet words probably 20 times a day and it never gets old. 
  • He loves to give hugs. He especially likes to hug his little brother inside my tummy. He wraps his arms around my belly and gives it a kiss. 
  • He cannot wait to meet this baby. He tells me all the things he's going to do to help me once the baby comes. He'll feed him, hold him, give him his binkie and even change dirty diapers. Quite a list, isn't it? 
  • Harrison is really into the human body. He looks at a body atlas we have and has a million questions. His favorite is the heart. He listens to our hearts beat and thinks it's the coolest thing in the world. He even tells me that his heart pumps blood in his body. Smartie Pants. 
  • He is really into cooking. He loves watching cooking shows. "Mom, want to watch the cooking show." He loves to help cook dinner, which mostly means he stirs things. 

Mothers Day 2013
Making a wish

Friday, April 12, 2013

24 weeks along

Why does pregnancy have to be so long? I guess I can't complain. Elephants are pregnant for almost 2 years! Poor elephant mamas! This pregnancy has been challenging. I've been more sick and for much longer than with my first. I am just barely starting to get over morning sickness. At 13 weeks, I had a break from it but then it came back with a vengeance! My doctor gave me some meds to help with my nausea but that came with it's own set of side effects that I won't get into. My energy levels are still first trimester low, but I am trying to get a little more done each day. I'm also struggling with body image. The first time around, I remember being really excited at seeing a little tummy. It was so cute to have a little bump (that eventually turned into one gigantic mountain). But this time, all I can see is a gut. I think I am just really worried about not being able to lose baby weight after he comes. Brian tries to remind me that I don't have a gut- it's a little person in there. Logically, I know that he is right. Emotionally, all I see is a lump of goo. Just another thing to work on.
But the best part of being pregnant are those little glimmers of light. Last week my doctor snapped this little beauty during the ultrasound.

Getting to see my little boy's face makes all the sickness, exhaustion and backaches worth it. It puts everything into perspective. This little miracle is growing inside of me. He relies on me to live each day and make it the best that I can, despite the challenges.

Friday, February 8, 2013

It's a Boy

I had my 14 week appointment and it's a boy! I am really excited to be having another little prince. I can't believe that I am going to be surrounded by boys!! But, as my sister-in-law pointed out, I grew up that way! I have 3 older brothers- no sisters. I can handle it. I'm so excited for this baby to come. Time is flying by. Can't wait to meet this little guy- too bad I have to wait 25 more weeks!

Monday, January 28, 2013

13 weeks and counting

Morning sickness has been having it's way with me. Since week 5 in this pregnancy I have been down and out. It's not the same morning sickness that I experienced with Harrison. This time around, I am nauseated all day and can't even manage to get anything done. With Harrison, morning sickness didn't start until week 8. I would have some morning problems, but then I would manage and push through it. But this time, constant nausea since week 5! That's two months of laying on the couch most of the day.
My poor little guy is suffering the most. Mom can't play, cook good dinners and give him the attention that he needs. I know that it's also been rough for Brian. He works a full day, then comes home to a messy house, a pile of dirty laundry, a little boy who wants to play and one sick and needy wife.
But something miraculous happened on Thursday. I hit the 13 week mark and had the best day! I'm afraid of writing all this, I may jinx a good thing! Since that wonderful day I have been feeling pretty good. I've had a few moments here and there, but for the most part, I am feeling tons better. I've even managed to start cleaning the house and getting more done. Don't get me wrong, I'm still exhausted a lot of the time. But, I know as I get into my second trimester, I'll have more energy.
I know that when I look into my sweet baby's face, it will all be worth it.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Fabulous New Year

2012 is out and 2013 is so in!!
This year is proving to be wonderful for my little family. Here are a few things happening:
#1- Harrison is now a Sunbeam in Primary. I was a little worried about him adjusting to a new class, but he did amazing. I sat with him the first week in Opening Exercises. He tried to sing along to songs he doesn't know, led the music from his chair and he just loved it when the kids gave talks. I was one proud mama. I can't believe he is officially in primary. I love that little guy.

#2- Brian got a new job! He is now the Business Development Manager at Marketstar here in Ogden. He has only been there a couple of weeks and he is loving it. Last week he travelled to Las Vegas for the annual CES show. This job came at just the right time for us. I know Heavenly Father guided us to this job. So grateful for blessings.
#3- Our family will be a family of 4 this Summer! I am almost 12 weeks pregnant and due on August 1! We are so excited to bring another little child of God into our family. No one is more excited than Harrison. He is constantly looking at the ultrasound picture and wanting to watch the DVD of the ultrasound. His favorite part is hearing baby's heartbeat.
I am so excited for all the wonderful changes that lie in store for our family this year. I know that trials will come, but we'll get through them together. We've been through a lot of rough times in our 6 years together, it's nice to be able to relax... even if it is only for a little bit. I hope that your 2013 looks bright. 
Happy 2013!!!